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Ian Friedman Speaks to ABC 5 News about the Push to Legalize Marijuana in Ohio


On November 3, 2015, Ohioans will have the opportunity to vote to legalize marijuana statewide. If passed, Ohio will make history, because the ballot includes a measure to simultaneously legalize both medicinal and recreational marijuana. Speaking to ABC 5 News as a legal expert, Attorney Ian N. Friedman explained, “If it passes, this will be the first state that has recreational use that did not begin as medicinal use.”

What makes this measure even more controversial is the fact that Ohio will limit commercial crops to ten exclusive and pre-selected growers. Currently, the constitution of Ohio does not allow any type of monopoly or oligopoly. Thus, this measure will include an amendment to allow for such an oligopoly of growers. To safeguard against this amendment, a bill known as Issue 2 has been drafted to prohibit any amendment to the state constitution in this regard.

Issue 2 Could Stand in the Way of Legalizing Marijuana

This amendment to allow for an oligopoly is perhaps the greatest obstacle that supporters face in trying to secure the legalization of marijuana in Ohio. “There are a lot of people who support legalization,” Attorney Friedman told ABC 5 News, “but don't support this plan because of what they deem a monopoly”.

While Ohioans don’t necessarily have an issue with legalizing marijuana, many people are against the monopolization of the marijuana industry by the ten pre-selected growers. As a result of this contention, Attorney Friedman confidently asserted, “It'll certainly end up in the courts”.

If you have any questions regarding this upcoming measure or if you have been charged with a drug-related crime, do not hesitate to contact Ohio Defense Attorney Ian N. Friedman. Attorney Friedman is frequently interviewed by media outlets about state and national legal issues, and is the go-to legal expert for numerous local stations on the push to legalize marijuana in Ohio.
