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Cleveland Jewish News Profiles Attorney Ian N. Friedman


Cleveland Jewish News, a leading regional publication focused on serving Northeast Cleveland's Jewish community, recently published an article about Attorney Ian N. Friedman. Attorney Friedman was featured as part of the publication's "Local Lawyers | Super Attorneys" series, which highlights Jewish attorneys in the Cleveland area with outstanding track records.

The article discusses Attorney Friedman's extensive knowledge and experience in defending crimes that involve the use of technology and the internet. Attorney Friedman was an early advocate of studying the increasingly prominent intersection of technology and criminal law, and continues to broaden his insight into cyber law by teaching a course at his alma mater, Cleveland-Marshall College of Law. Through his course, "Computers and the Law: Criminal", his students help him stay up-to-date on technology and social media's ever-changing trends.

Cyber law is an exciting field because it is something new in a profession that has mainly stayed static for decades. "Whereas much of American law is governed by centuries-old case law, cyberspace is just beginning to be explored, litigated and regulated," Attorney Friedman told Cleveland Jewish News.

The Impact of Technology on the Legal Profession

Attorney Friedman believes that the new technology has an effect on every case, as the internet has changed the way information is relayed to audiences and has led to information being spread faster. In the past, criminal cases involved crime scenes, eyewitnesses, and physical evidence; now, defense attorneys and prosecutors alike must also contend with GPS tracking, text messages, social media posts, and more.

Attorney Friedman explains in the article that, "Every case today is touched in some aspect by technology, and unless you understand it and until you understand it, you're not advocating as effectively as you can."

Attorney Friedman is a proponent of taking part in social media and actively posts on his Twitter account, @IanNFriedman. He often tweets about contemporary news topics, and explains the nuances of these cases using his expertise and legal experience.

Although he was initially hesitant to join Twitter because he questioned that anyone would care about what he had to say, Attorney Friedman eventually realized that he had a duty as a legal professional. "As a lawyer, I have a great responsibility to educate the community with regard to the legal system," he told the publication.

News and media outlets throughout Cleveland frequently interview Attorney Friedman about the latest headline-making cases to get his seasoned and informed insight, and throughout his career he has earned numerous professional awards for his outstanding defense counsel.

Pursuing Justice and Fairness

When asked by Cleveland Jewish News why he decided to become a lawyer, the 44-year-old Beachwood resident explained that he is driven by the pursuit of justice and fairness. "One of the things I believe in most – in all situations, not just law – is just pure justice, what's fair. That's really it," Attorney Friedman explained, "What's fair in life is really what drives me."

Attorney Friedman is credited with spearheading the effort to implement open discovery in Cleveland criminal trials, which ensures that defendants are presented with all of the prosecution's evidence prior to trial. The Cleveland Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers named Attorney Friedman as its first-ever Lawyer of the Year in 2011 for his exceptional work.

Read the feature from Cleveland Jewish News to learn more about Attorney Ian N. Friedman. If you would like more information about the firm's legal services, call (888) 694-4645 or use the online contact form to schedule a free initial consultation.
