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Eric Nemecek Named Attorney at Law Magazine's Attorney of the Month


Eric Nemecek of Friedman Nemecek Long & Grant, L.L.C., L.L.C. is known as a leading Ohio criminal defense attorney for his outside-of-the-box approach, forward-thinking, and unwavering commitment to his clients. Attorney at Law Magazine® has recognized his excellence by naming him the Attorney of the Month for its Volume 3 Number 2 Ohio edition that was publicized recently. From everyone at our law firm, we would like to thank Attorney at Law Magazine® for granting this prestigious title to Eric.

Within its article – written by Susan Cushing and viewable in full by clicking here – Attorney at Law Magazine® details what makes Attorney Nemecek stand out, as well as his personal background, education, and what made him want to become a lawyer in the first place. Much of the article addresses Eric’s intentional focus on cybercrime, which is a rapidly-expanding area of the law. When Eric was first beginning his legal education, he predicted cybercrime and related computer crimes would be at the forefront of the legal scene in the future as our world and societies became more and more dependent on advanced technology. The article also discusses when Eric Nemececk and Ian Friedman met, and how their similar legal mindsets and dedications to doing the right thing acted as the groundwork for the formation of Friedman Nemecek Long & Grant, L.L.C., L.L.C.

Eric is also not a stranger to Attorney at Law Magazine® to any extent. As a frequent and respected writer of legal articles and entries, many of his works and essays have been featured within the publication. If you are a fan of Attorney at Law Magazine®, you have probably come across Eric’s input and insight before.

If you would like to know more about what it means to be selected as the Attorney of the Month by Attorney at Law Magazine®, we encourage you to consider subscribing to the respected publication. To learn more about Attorney Nemecek, or to retain the services of our Ohio criminal defense lawyers at Friedman Nemecek Long & Grant, L.L.C., L.L.C., you can contact our firm at any time.
