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Offices in Cleveland & Columbus, Ohio 216-928-7700

College COVID-Related Discipline Defense Attorneys in Cleveland, Ohio


COVID-Related Disciplinary Actions on College Campuses

Colleges and Universities across the country are grappling with the challenges of bringing students back to campus in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic. With the return of students to college campuses comes an increase in college disciplinary actions based on alleged violations of health and safety policies. Students who are believed to be hosting parties, as well as those who do not properly quarantine in the event of a positive test or close contact with an infected person, are subject to disciplinary actions. Schools are levying significant sanctions, including lengthy suspensions, forcing students to return home, and sanctioning student organizations for endangering the health and safety of the school community. In many instances, the schools refuse to refund paid tuition after suspending students from returning for the semester. The consequences of discipline may also extend to current or potential employment and athletic opportunities.

Friedman Nemecek Long & Grant, L.L.C., L.L.C. recently defended a disciplinary case on a college campus that involved students who allegedly violated the University’s quarantine guidelines following COVID testing. However, college guidance on quarantine procedures is often deficient in giving notice to students as to the actual requirements for quarantine. Vague containment measures and a lack of due process means that students are faced with disciplinary sanctions without an opportunity to defend themselves. Punishments can be unduly harsh, with colleges suspending students prior to investigating allegations. Further, whether colleges can sanction students for off-campus behavior is debatable under some circumstances.

Disciplined? Friedman Nemecek Long & Grant, L.L.C., L.L.C. Can Help.

Amid the extensive scrutiny placed upon school administrators, individuals facing disciplinary sanctions related to COVID face many obstacles to a fair handling of their cases.

Protecting against overzealous administrators, unfair proceedings, and restricted rights demands experienced legal guidance.

We are currently accepting cases from students and faculty at all colleges and universities across the United States.

Whether you, your child, or someone you love has been sanctioned for COVID-related health and safety violations, you can take steps to ensure a fair process by working with experienced defense attorneys from Friedman Nemecek Long & Grant, L.L.C.. Our legal team is available to discuss how we may be able to protect your rights and future.

Call (216) 928-7700 or contact us online for a confidential review of your case. Our college disciplinary defense practice is helmed by Attorney Eric F. Long.
